
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Please join us for this month’s meeting. On the agenda:

  • 1830-32 South Broad Street – The application is for the lot adjustment to create two lots as follows:
    • PREMISES A: For the erection of two flatwall signs accessory to business and professional office (1st floor) with two family dwellings (2nd & 3rd floors),
    • PREMISES B: For the demolition of existing 1-story portion of structure. For the erection of an attached structure for a multi-family household of three family dwellings.
    • Zoning — RSA-5 (Single-Family Residential)
    • Zoning Hearing — Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 9:30am

Constitution Health Plaza
1930 South Broad Street (NWC of McKean Street / Passyunk Avenue)
Conference Center — 1st Floor