
We would like to encourage anyone who is not feeling well, has flu like symptoms or family with similar symptoms to please stay home! We are a small group and feel we can have this meeting without jeopardizing public health but we need your help. There is a rest room just outside the conference room and we encourage hand washing as suggested when you arrive at the meeting.

Please join us for this month’s meeting. On the agenda:

  • Welcome State Representative Elizabeth Fiedler
    • We will open with welcoming State Representative Elizabeth Fiedler. As a new state representative she would like to familiarize us with the services her office can offer and she would like to find out more about our needs on Broad Street.
  • 1613 South Broad Street
    • The application is for two artist studios with living on the premises, and for two family dwelling with an existing three family dwelling (new total of 5 dwellings) in an existing structure.
    • Zoning – RSA-5
    • Zoning Hearing – Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 9:30am
  • Plus general updates on our work

Constitution Health Plaza
1930 South Broad Street (NWC of McKean Street / Passyunk Avenue)
Conference Center — 1st Floor