- SBSNA will be hosting our zoning meetings using Zoom Meeting to comply with social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- To Join the Zoom meeting by computer or tablet: SBSNA Zoom Meeting
- To Join the Zoom meeting by phone dial 646.558.8656 | Meeting ID: 835 2993 3583
- If you join the meeting before 7:00pm you will be placed in a Waiting Room until the Zoom Meeting is started by SBSNA
- Zoning RCO Presentation
- 1511 South 15th Street
- The application is for the erection of a new three-story structure with roof deck and roof deck access (pilot house) for the third floor unit only, for use as three-family dwelling units.
- Zoning – RSA-5
- Zoning Hearing – Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 9:30am
- 1310 South Broad Street
- The application is for the legalization of:
- a vacant commercial space (first floor front),
- a one-family dwelling (first floor rear), and
- a four-family dwelling (second & third floors) in an existing structure.
- No sign on this application.
- Zoning – RSA-5
- Zoning Hearing – Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 9:30am
- The application is for the legalization of:
- 1511 South 15th Street
Plus updates on our work