- SBSNA will be hosting our zoning meetings using Zoom Meeting to comply with social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- To Join the Zoom meeting by computer or tablet: SBSNA Zoom Meeting
- To Join the Zoom meeting by phone dial 646.558.8656 | Meeting ID: 859 9673 8899
- If you join the meeting before 7:00pm you will be placed in a Waiting Room until the Zoom Meeting is started by SBSNA
- Zoning RCO Presentation
- 1613 South Broad Street
- The application is for two artist studios with living on the premises, and for two dwelling units with an existing three dwelling units (new total of five dwellings) in an existing structure.
- 1317 South Broad Street
- The application is for a lot adjustment to create four lots as follows:
- Parcel “A” (Broad Street frontage) – For a professional office and six (6) dwellings
- Parcel “B” (Broad Street frontage) – For a professional office and six (6) dwellings
- Parcel “C” (Juniper Street frontage) – For the erection of a structure for a one-family dwelling with roof deck, 2nd floor deck, and parking garage
- Parcel “D” (Juniper Street frontage) – For the erection of a structure for a one-family dwelling with roof deck, 2nd floor deck, and parking garage
- The application is for a lot adjustment to create four lots as follows:
- 1325 South 15th Street
- The application is for three dwelling units in an existing structure.
- 1613 South Broad Street
- A few notes
- Check out our friends at Interfaith Philadelphia.
- A special thank you to Senator Farnese who worked with SBSNA and Ready Willing and Able to secure a side-walk sweeping grant for the east side of South Broad Street. This is in conjunction with the side-walk sweeping program that Councilman Johnson is providing on the west side of South Broad Street, also performed by Ready Willing and Able.